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Springyard - leather cream, neutral

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Springyard - leather cream, neutral
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Care cream Delicate Leather 60 ml

Since we are aware of how inportant the care of slippers and other footwear is if we want to extend the life of the footwear, we present to you the Springyard Therapy line of products for the care of slippers and other footwear

Springyard Delicate Leather is a care cream from the Therapy line, which contains an ECO-friendly formula that provides excellent protection and care for leather shoes and footwear. The care cream cntains care ingredients such as soybean oil, carnauba and beeswax. We recommend using it especially on smooth leather surfaces.


  1. Apply to a clean and dry surface.
  2. Gently rub into the surface with a polishing cloth.
  3. Allow the cream to absorb and dry naturally.

Take care of beautiful and well-kept lather slippers and protect your footwear and slippers.

The product is distinguished by the labels: NATURAL and BIODEGRADABLE.

Store Delicate Leather care cream away from direct sunlight, at room temperature.

Always test the product in a hidden place before use. We do not recommend use on brushed suede leather.

Care cream  Delicate Leather 60 ml.